Alchemy Game Cheat List

IGN's Little Alchemy Cheats guide has you sorted with a massive list of more than 500 Little Alchemy ingredient/element combinations. Complete Element and Ingredient Combination List for Little. Use the list below as the instruction for search of elements when playing Little Alchemy and collect all elements quickly and simply without headache. Add our website Little Alchemy cheats and guide to favorites, tell about it to friends and watch answers at any convenient time.

Walkthrough: Complete list of all combinations/solutions for Alchemy Classic Android Game. The game is developed by Nia-soft for the Android platform.

You start with 4 elements: Air, Water, Fire and Earth and you have to combine them to get new elements and stuff, all the way up to plants, animals and other funny things.

Please leave a comment if you have any combinations that I have missed 😀

USE CTRL+F or cmd+F to search within your browser, this is the easiest way to find an element.

Here’s the complete list:

Alcohol = Fire + Water
Fog = Air + Water
Lightning = Air + Fire
Stone = Earth + Fire
Swamp = Earth + Water
Volcano = Earth + 2xFire
Wind = 2xAir

Amino acid = Lightning + Swamp
Clouds = Fog + Air
Hydrothermal vein = Volcano + Earth + Water
Metals = Stone + Fire
NO2 = Lightning + 2xAir
Salt water = Stone + Water
Sand = Stone + Air
Steam = Fog + Fire

Aluminium (Al) = Metals + 3xFire
Chromium (Cr) = Metals + 6xFire
Copper (Cu) = Metals + 4xFire
Iron (Fe) = Metals + 5xFire
Lead (Pb) = Metals + Fire
Tungsten (W) = Metals + 7xFire
Zinc (Zn) = Metals + 2xFire
Bacteria = Amino acid + Swamp
Clay = Sand + Swamp
Cold = Clouds + 2xWind
Electricity = Metals + Lightning
Glass = Sand + Fire
HNO3 + Hydrogen (H) = NO2 + Water
Magnet = Metals + Stone
Minerals = Hydrothermal vein + Earth
Rain = Clouds + Water
Salt = Salt water + Air

Algae = Bacteria + Water
Brick = Clay + Fire
Bronze = Copper + Lead
Chlorine (Cl) + Sodium (Na) = Electricity + Salt + Fire
Cinnabar + Sulfur = Minerals + Earth
Compass = Glass + Magnet + Metals
CuZn battery = Copper + Zinc
Ice = Cold + Water
HNO2 = Hydrogen + NO2
Lightbulb = Glass + Tungsten
Mutating bacteria = Bacteria + Alcohol
Nitric acid = HNO3 + Water
Oxygen + 2xHydrogen = Electricity + Water
Sandglass = Glass + Sand
Snow = Cold + Rain
Steel = Chromium + Iron
Thunderstorm = Rain + Lightning
Viruses = Bacteria + Earth

Cells = 2xBacteria
Chemical rubbish = CuZn battery + Fire
Fungi = Algae + Swamp
Glowing lightbulb = Lightbulb + Electricity
HCl = Chlorine + Hydrogen
Mercury = Cinnabar + Fire
Moss = Algae + Earth
Nitrous Acid = HNO2 + Water
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) = Sodium + Water
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) = Sulfur + Oxygen

Plankton = Cells + Water
Fern = Moss + Swamp
Fertilizer = Nitric acid + Sodium hydroxide
Grass = Moss + Earth
HCl Acid = HCl + Water
Sodium hydroxide solution = Sodium hydroxide + Water
Sulfur trioxide (SO3) = Sulfur dioxide + Oxygen
Thermometer = Mercury + Glass

Arthropods = Plankton + Earth
Bamboo = Grass + Earth
Corals = Plankton + Stone
Fish = Plankton + Algae
Flowers = Fern + Grass
Jellyfish = Plankton + Water
Molluscs = Plankton + Swamp
Mutating plant = Fern + Mutating bacteria
Palms = Fern + Sand
Poisoned animal = Plankton + Chemical rubbish
Reed = Grass + Water
Shrub = Fern + Earth
Starfish = Plankton + Sand
Sulfuric acid = Sulfur trioxide + Water
Undefined dead lifeform = Plankton + Fire
Vegetable waste = Fern + Metals

Amphibians = Fish + Swamp
Aquarium = Fish + Glass
Beetles = Anthropods + Air
Cactus = Flowers + Sand
Compost = 2xVegetable waste
Cephalopods = Molluscs + Water
Drunken animal = (any animal) + Alcohol
Eel = Fish + Electricity
Flying Fish = Fish + Air
Hedge = 3xShrub
Infected animal = (any animal) + Viruses
Methane = Vegetable waste + Earth
Millipedes = Anthropods + Earth
Mussels = Molluscs + Sand
Oil = Vegetable waste + Stone
Orchids = Flowers + Fungi
Poisoned animal = (any animal) + Chemical rubbish
Shrimps = Anthropods + Water
Slugs = Molluscs + Swamp
Snails = Molluscs + Earth
Spiders = Anthropods + Stone
Trees = Flowers + Earth
Trilobites = Anthropods + Sand
Wood = Bamboo + Steel

Alien = Amphibians + Mutating bacteria
Ammonites = Cephalopods + Sand
Ash = Wood + 2xFire
Carbon (C) = Wood + Fire
Cellulose = Wood + Sulfuric acid + Water
Crabs = Shrimps + Sand
Forest = 2xTrees
Frogs = Amphibians + Swamp
Insects = Beetles + Air
Liana = Trees + Grass
Octopus = Cephalopods + Water
Reptiles = Amphibians + Sand
Salamanders = Amphibians + Earth
Scorpions = Spiders + Sand
Terrarium (A) = Amphibians + Glass
Tools = Wood + Metals
Wooden fragments = Trees + Lightning
Worms = Slugs + Earth

Ants = Insects + Earth
Bees = Insects + Flowers
Carbon dioxide (CO2) + Potassium nitrate (KNO3) + Water = Ash + Nitric acid
Crocodiles = Reptiles + Water
Diamond = Carbon + Stone
Dinosaurs = Reptiles + Sand
Dying forest = Forest + Beetles
Dragonflies = Insects + Water
Extremely infectious alien = Alien + Viruses
Flies = Insects + Fungi
Lizards = Reptiles + Earth
Mammals = Reptiles + Ice
Robot = Alien + (any battery) + Metals
Sandworms = Worms + Sand
Snakes = Reptiles + Swamp
Stone axe = Liana + Wooden fragments + Stone
Terrarium (R) = Reptiles + Glass
Toads = Frogs + Earth
Woodworms = Worms + Wood
Wormy compost = Worms + Compost
ZnC battery = Carbon + Zinc

Active robot = Alien + Robot
Bats = Mammals + Air
Beahive = 2xBees
Butterflies = Flies + Flowers
Flying dinosaurs = Dinosaurs + Air
Gun powder = Carbon + Potassium nitrate + Sulfur
Honey bee = Bees + Flowers
Humus = Wormy compost + Earth
Mosquitos = Flies + Swamp
2xPlatypus = Mammals + Reptiles
Rodents = Mammals + Earth
Termites = Ants + Wood
Watermammals = Mammals + Water

Beavers = Rodents + Wood
Birds = Flying dinosaurs + Air
Cereals = Humus + Grass
Container = Active robot + Metals
Dolphins = Watermammals + Water
Freezer = Active robot + Ice + Metals
Fruit trees = Humus + Trees
Hares = Rodents + Grass
Honey = Honey bee + Flowers
Incomplete boiler = Active robot + Metals + Water
Lettuce = Humus + Fern
Lint = Humus + Flowers
Marmots = Rodents + Stone
Mice = Rodents + Earth
Rabbits = Rodents + Fern
Radioactivity + Undefined dead lifeform = Active robot + Alien
Rats = Rodents + Chemical rubbish
Squirrels = Rodents + Trees
Steam turbine = Active robot + Metals + Steam
Sugar cane = Humus + Bamboo
UFO = Active robot + Glass + Metals + Air
Whales = Watermammals + 2xWater
Water turbine + Electricity = Active robot + Metals + 2xWater
Wind turbine + Electricity = Active robot + Metals + Wind

Atom battery = Radioactivity + Active robot + (any battery)
Bear = Mammals + Honey
Chemical waste = Container + Chemical rubbish
Electric boiler = Incomplete boiler + (any battery)
Fiber = Lint + Tools
Flour = Cereals + 2xStone
Frozen alien = Freezer + Alien
Fruits = Fruit trees + Humus
Grains + Straw = Cereals + Metals
Hamsters = Cereals + Rodents
Hummingbirds = Birds + Flowers
Plutonium = 2xRadioactivity + Metals
Rice = Cereals + Water
Sugar + Vegetable waste = Sugar cane + Metals
Tortoise = Lettuce + Reptiles
Uranium = Radioactivity + Metals
Water Birds = Birds + Water
Woodpeckers = Birds + Wood

Atom bomb = Plutonium + Active robot + Metals
Banana = Fruits + Grass
Chikens = Grains + Birds
Ducks = Water Birds + Water
Incomplete factory = Electric boiler + Wood + Brick
Juice = Fruits + Stone
Loom = Fiber + Tools + Wood
Nuclear boiler = Uranium + Incomplete boiler
Penguins = Water Birds + Ice
Polar Bear = Bear + Ice
Seagulls = Water Birds + Air
Sugar water = Sugar + Water
Yarn = 2xFiber

Eggs = Chickens + Cereals
Monkeys = Banana + Mammals
Nuclear power station = Nuclear boiler + Steam turbine
Paper factory = Incomplete factory + Cellulose
Swamp chickens = Chickens + Swamp
Textile = Loom + Yarn
Textile factory = Incomplete factory + Loom
Wine = Juice + Fungi

Bread = Egg + Flour + Fire + Water
Chicks = Eggs + Chickens
Clothes = Textile factory + Textile
Nuclear waste = Nuclear power station + Container
Paper = Paper factory + Cellulose
Vinegar = Wine + Bacteria

Polluted earth = Nuclear waste + Earth

1. Aardvark
2. African Civet
3. Albatross
4. Alf

Alchemy Game Cheat List Gta San Andreas

5. Alien
6. Alpaca
7. Anaconda
8. Anchovy
9. Android
10. Angel
11. Angel Shark
12. Angelfish
13. Ankol Watusi
14. Ant
15. Anteater
16. Antelope
17. Anubis
18. Ara
19. Archaeopteryx
20. Argiope
21. Armadillo
22. Artic fox
23. Asio
24. Atlas Moth
25. Axolotl
26. Aye-Aye
27. Badger
28. Bald Rat
29. Banded Newt
30. Basilisk
31. Bat
32. BatMan
33. Bear
34. Beaver
35. Bed Bug
36. Bedbug
37. Bee
38. Beetle
39. Bilby
40. Binturong
41. BlobFish
42. Blue Dart Frog
43. Blue Great Dane
44. Blue-ringed Octopus
45. Boa
46. Bombina
47. Booted Eagle
48. Brahminy Blindsanke
49. Brazilian Tapir
50. Brian (family Guy
51. Brown Rat
52. Bugs Bunny
53. Bullfrog
54. Bunnyball
55. Butterfly
56. Cachalot
57. Camel
58. Camel Spider
59. Cancer Pagurus
60. Capricorn
61. Capybara
62. Caracal
63. Cat
64. CatDog
65. Caterpillar
66. CatWoman
67. Centaur
68. Cerberus
69. Chahuahua
70. Chameleon
71. Charmander
72. CheburashkaAlchemy
73. Cheetah
74. Cheshire Cat
75. Chewbacca
76. Chicken
77. Chinchilla
78. Chipmunk
79. Chupacabra
80. Clown Fish
81. Club-Tailed Lizard
82. Cobra
83. Cocatrix
84. Cockroach
85. Coconut Crab
86. Comet
87. Comet Moth
88. Cone Snail
89. Coral Snake
90. Cow
91. Cowdillow
92. Cowfish
93. Coyote
94. Cpo
95. Crab
96. Cricket
97. Crocodile
98. Ctulhu
99. Cuban Frog
100. Cuckoo
101. Cujo
102. Cupid
103. Cyclops
104. Cylindrophiidae
105. Deer
106. Degu
107. Dementor
108. Desman
109. Desmatosuchus
110. Devil
111. Dhole
112. Dingo
113. Diplodocus
114. Do-Do
115. Dog
116. Dolphin
117. Donkey
118. Dove
119. Dragon
120. Dragoncatfish
121. Dragonfly
122. Dromedary
123. Duck
124. Duckbill (Platypus)
125. Duckfeller
126. Dumbo
127. Dumbo Octopus
128. Dwarf
129. Dwarf Pygmy Goby
130. Eagle
131. Echinda
132. Eel
133. Eggdevil
134. Electric Eel
135. Elephant
136. Elephant Shrew
137. Elephatamus
138. Elf
139. Elk
140. Emporor Scorpion
141. ET
142. Eursaian Woodcock
143. Extraterrestrial
144. Fairy
145. Falcon
146. False Vampire Bat
147. Faun
148. Fennec
149. Ferret
150. Flamingo
151. Flatfish
152. Flea
153. Fly
154. Flying Croc
155. Flying Fish
156. Flying Lemurs
157. Flying Monkey
158. Flying Piglet
159. Flying Rat
160. Flying Squirrel
161. Football Fish
162. Formica
163. Fox
164. Freckled Duck
165. Frilled Lizard
166. Frilled Shark
167. Frog
168. Frog-pinoccio
169. Fur Seal
170. Galago
171. Gambian Pouch Rat
172. Garfield
173. Gargoyle
174. Gavial
175. Gazelle
176. Gecko
177. Ghost
178. Giant Salamander
179. Giraffe
180. Goat
181. Goblin
182. Godzilla
183. Golden Carp
184. Golden Pheasant
185. Goliath Birdeater
186. Gollum
187. Goose
188. Goral
189. Gorgon
190. Gorilla
191. Grasshopper
192. Gremlin
193. Grey Crowned Crane
194. Griffin
195. Ground Squirrel
196. Guinea Pig
197. Guitarfish
198. Gull
199. Guppy
200. Hairy Crab
201. Hairy Frog
202. Hammer Fish
203. Hamster
204. Hare
205. Harpy
206. Headcrab
207. Hedgehog
208. Hermit Crab
209. Heron
210. Hippopotamus
211. Hobbit
212. Honduran Bat
213. Honeycomb
214. Hoopoe
215. Horned Bird
216. Horned Turtle
217. Horned Viper
218. Horse
219. Horseshoe Crab
220. House Elf
221. Hulk
222. Human
223. Hummingbird
224. Humpty Dumpty
225. Hydra
226. Hyena
227. Hypnotoad
228. Ichthyander
229. Ifrita Kowaldi
230. Iguana
231. Iguanodon
232. Iron Golem
233. Jabba The Hutt
234. Jackal
235. Jackalope
236. Jaguar
237. Japanese Macaque
238. Jar Jar Binks
239. Jellyfish
240. Jerboa
241. Kakapo
242. Kangaroo
243. Kelpie
244. Killer Bunny
245. Kinkajou
246. Kiwi
247. Koala
248. Komondor
249. Kraken
250. Kronosaurus
251. Ladybug (Ladybird)
252. Lama
253. Lamprey
254. Leaf-tailed Gecko
255. Leech
256. Leopard Cat
257. Lich
258. Liger
259. Lion
260. Lion Tamarin
261. Lizard
262. Lobster
263. Locust
264. Long-eared Hedgehog
265. Long-eared Jerboa
266. Lynx
267. Magpie
268. Mammoth
269. Manatee
270. Maned Rat
271. Mangalitsa
272. Manticore
273. Mantis
274. Mantis Shrimp
275. Manul
276. Marbled Pole Cat
277. Marine Iguana
278. Mario
279. Marmot
280. Master Yoda
281. Meerkat
282. Meowth
283. Mermaid
284. Mickey Mouse
285. Minion
286. Mink
287. Minotaur
288. Mole
289. Mongoose
290. Monitor Lizard
291. Monkey
292. Mosquito
293. Moth
294. Mouse
295. Mouse Deer
296. Mouse Lemur
297. Mukip
298. Mule
299. Mummy
300. Muraena
301. Musk Beaver

Great Alchemy Cheats

302. Musk Deer
303. Muskellunge
304. Myriapod
305. Na’vi
306. Naga
307. Naked Chicken
308. Narwhal
309. Nasua
310. Nautilus
311. Nessy
312. Ninja
313. Ninja Turtle
314. Ocelot
315. Octopus
316. Ogre
317. Okapi
318. Opossum
319. Orangutan
320. Ostrich
321. Owl
322. Owlet
323. Oyster
324. Pale-Throated Sloth
325. Panda
326. Pangolin
Alchemy327. Parrot
328. Parrotfish
329. Parson’s Chameleon
330. Patric
331. Peafowl
332. Peafowl Grasshopper
333. Pearlscale
334. Pecari
335. Pegasus
336. Pelican
337. Penguin
338. Perdix
339. Pheasant
340. Phoenix
341. Pig
342. Pikachu
343. Pike
344. Pilot Whale
345. Pink Panther
346. Piranha
347. Pixie
348. Pony
349. Porcupine
350. Portuguese Man O’War
351. Proboscis Monkey
352. Psyduck
353. Pterodactyl
354. Pygmy Hippopotamus
355. Pygmy Mouse
356. Ra
357. Rabbit
358. Raccoon
359. Rat
360. Raven
361. RD
362. Red Panda
363. Red Ruffed Lemur
364. Rhinoceros
365. Rhinoceros Beetle
366. Rhinozebra
367. Ribbon Seal

Little Alchemy Cheats Tree

368. Ring-tailed Lemur
369. Road Runner
370. Robocop
371. Rockhopper Penguin
372. Sabre-toothed Squirrel
373. Sabre-toothed Tiger
374. Sage-grous
375. Salamander
376. ScoobyDoo
377. Scorpion
378. Scorpionfish
379. Sea Devil
380. Sea Dragon
381. Sea Horse
382. Sea Lion
383. Sea Mouse
384. Sea Otter
385. Sea Slug
386. Sea Turtle
387. Sea-Hedgehog
388. Seal
389. Secretarybird
390. Selkie
391. Shark
392. Sheatfish
393. Sheep
394. Shoebill
395. Shrim
396. Skink
397. Skunk
398. Sloth
399. Slowpoke
400. Slug
401. Smurf
402. Snail
403. Snake
404. Snork
405. Snow Leopard
406. Space Invader
407. Sparrow
408. Sphinx
409. Sphynx (Cat)
410. Spider
411. Spider Monkey
412. Spiderman
413. SpongeBob
414. Spotted Catshark
415. Spotted Seal
416. Squid
417. Squirrel
418. Squirtle
419. Star Nosed Mole
420. Starfish
421. Stegasaurous
422. Stink Beetle
423. Stirge
424. Stork
425. Strawberry Crab
426. Striated Frogfish
427. Sturgeon
428. Sucker Octopus
429. Swallow
430. Swan
431. Swordfish
432. Syngnathus

Alchemy Game Cheat List Sims 4

433. Takin
434. Tanuki
435. Tapir
436. Tarantula
437. Tarsier
438. Tasmanian Devil
439. Tatzelwurm
440. Tauntaun
441. Tenrec
442. Terminator
443. Termite
444. Thestral
445. Thorny Devil
446. Thylacine
447. Tiger
448. Toad
449. Toucan
450. Tragopan
451. Trepang
452. Triceratops
453. Triton
454. Troglodyte
455. Troll
456. Tunny
457. Turkey
458. Turtle
459. Turuk
460. Tweety
461. Tyrannosaur
462. Umber Hulk
463. Unicorn
464. Valkyrie
465. Vampire
466. Vampire Squid
467. Verociraptor
468. Vulture
469. Wallaby
470. Wallaroo

Alchemy Game Cheat

471. Wall-E
472. Walrus
473. Wart Hog
474. Water Nymph
475. Watto
476. Weasel
477. Weevil-Giraffe
478. Werewolf
479. Whale
480. Whale Shark
481. White Bear
482. White Whale
483. Wild Boar
484. Winnie The Pooh
485. Wizard
486. Wolf
487. Wolverene

Alchemy Cheat Sheet

488. Wombat
489. Woodpecker
490. Wooly Rhinoceros
491. Worm
492. Yak
493. Yeti
494. Yorkshire Terrier
495. Yoshi
496. Ypotryll
497. Yuan-ti
498. Zebra

Alchemy Game Cheat List Pokemon

499. Zebu
500. Zombie